This project increased the capacity of the Lemay Wastewater Treatment Plant and enhanced plant operations under a wide variety of operating conditions including heavy storm surges.

Improvements included two grit basins (including elevated walkway decks) with channel grinders, a primary sludge pump station, and a grit handling building and four primary clarifiers. Major components included 75-foot-deep excavation and earth moving as well as a 558-foot-long tunnel,plus installation of 12-foot-diameter storm and sewer piping and numerous large cast-in-place underground vaults/junction chambers. The team poured about 20,000 cubic yards of concrete and placed over 10,000 linear feet of concrete pipe at the site. The project also entailed associated piping, valves, yard structures, electrical components and instrumentation, as well as odor control for new and existing facilities. Tarlton poured concrete floors (flatwork) for the Wet Weather Vault, Influent Flowmeter Vault and Primary Sludge Pumping Station.
Tarlton was instrumental in helping MSD achieve one of the smoothest startups for a water treatment plant MSD ever had.
Jeff Theerman, Retired Executive Director, MSD